Like all impétrants, the former Prime Minister was dressed in the black dress. "It's the only one with the white hair," said a spectator joked. (Le Figaro / Ceccarini) Built on file with the Bar Association, the former Prime Minister has opened his own practice.
At age 54, Dominique de Villepin is embarking on a new career. The former prime minister, diplomat by training, became a lawyer. Dressed in a black dress and a white bow tie, as some fifty other impétrants, he was sworn in Wednesday before the judges of the Court of Appeal in Paris. He vowed to carry out his future duties with dignity, conscience, independence, honesty and humanity. "
"A childhood dream"
The former Prime Minister, caught in the midst of the Clearstream affair in which it is particularly under investigation for slander, "did not hide his joy. "It is a great pride for me to wear this dress. It's been part of my childhood dreams, you see there are dreams that come true, "he said.
The former secretary general of the Elysee under Jacques Chirac has acceded to the legal profession on record, according to his qualifications - a law degree and a diploma from the ENA - the recommendation of two members of the Bar and his legal career in the administration. A fairly common procedure which also benefited Jean-François Copé, president of the UMP group in the National Assembly, and Segolene Royal, has also become lawyers. Dominique de Villepin intends to open his own practice and take care of matters of international significance.
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